Hello. My name is Bryan Follins. I am an indie writer. I write science fiction and fantasy. Once I met an incredible individual who maintained a living book. The characters were of science fiction and fantasy. It was quite an original piece of work. The individual created a world of science fiction and fantasy which allowed people to create a character and post in the blog. The writer would find a place for the character in the living book, and the posts were ongoing. It was truly amazing. I would like to do the same here. I would like to base the living blog on my Jokeress indie, ebook, and comic strip series. To become more familiar with this creation, examine these sources: Facebook: The Jokeress Lives Here, The Shadowvectors, The Jokeress:Emergence. Twitter: #TheJisWild, Instagram: #thejokeressliveshere and at shadowvectors.com It is science fiction and fantasy. There are no age, gender, size, ethnic, or sexual orientation limits. The idea is to get lost in our imaginations. Anyone can post anonymously or with their actual names. We push the limits, but please, no pornography, and please be civil. It is adult writing, starting at age 18. Re-creations of any DC or Marvel characters are prohibited. Be original. This blog is anti-formula.
The Jokeress Living Blog
The galaxy was experiencing a rebirth. There were remnants of the old, but the new was dawning.